The last episode of The BetaKit Podcast was about predicting what will come to pass in 2025. Our first episode of the new year is about open questions: tech happenings we’re wondering might happen this year.
“ I’m sure if there’s one takeaway here is that we can all trust Enron to solve the world’s energy problems.”
“With a mere human-sized egg.”
Given my poor performance on our prediction episode, this week I asked for the aid of BetaKit reporters Madison McLauchlan and Josh Scott. Josh was familiar with this particular podcasting conceit, having battled me one-on-one last year. When we recorded our tech questions for 2024, I don’t think we were expecting them to be answered so definitively throughout the year. From executive departures to tech IPOs and innovation policy, the result became some of BetaKit’s biggest tech stories of 2024.
As for 2025? Under pressure to match last year’s performance, both Josh and Madison delivered. From the state of cleantech to the rise of centaurs and the decline of entrepreneurship in Canada, their questions were thoughtful and topical. So topical that at least one question was debated by the CEO of the wealthiest company in the world this week.
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As for me? Same old, same old: navel-gazing about innovation policy and other political impacts on Canadian tech, plus some FinTech thrown in for good measure. What can I say? My New Year’s resolution was to be more me, not change.
So what are the biggest tech questions of 2025? Let’s dig in.
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The BetaKit Podcast is hosted by Douglas Soltys & Rob Kenedi. Produced & edited by Darian MacDonald. Feature image by Madison McLauchlan for BetaKit (reference images courtesy BDC / Nvidia / Enron).
The post The biggest tech questions of 2025 first appeared on BetaKit.