Today, global technology company Zoho unveiled its unified communications platform, Trident, and added new capabilities to its virtual office platform, Zoho Workplace.

Trident seeks to help businesses communicate and collaborate more efficiently across channels, reduce tool ambiguity and boost an organization’s digital adoption. The platform combines mail, messages, audio/video calls, calendar, tasks, and more into the same place. Additionally, Trident is Zoho’s first native desktop app for email and chat.

Zoho Workplace also now features a flexible and comprehensive business mail and cloud office suite, built on a common data model and unified through search and AI. 

“The goal of Zoho Workplace is to enable businesses to unify their work to a point where the line between apps disappears. It’s heartening to see so many new businesses join the Zoho family, using Zoho Workplace as their customizable center of gravity,” said Zoho Canada managing director, Chandrashekar LSP.

The company said that Zoho Workplace grew 30 per cent over the 2021-2022 period, and now has more than 16 million users, a growth that it attributes to the increasing demand for streamlined, cost-efficient solutions, as well as higher standards for user privacy. 

Privacy is one of the main reasons that the company runs its services on its own infrastructure operated by Zoho’s IT management division, ManageEngine, which recently opened two new data centres in Canada. 

Having made a promise in 2005 to never show ads or sell data, Zoho differs from large organizations who indulge in “perverted” privacy abuses and “treat any fines and penalties as cost of doing business, because they’ve already made billions,” stated LSP.

Migrations from Google, Microsoft, and from GoDaddy Workspace Email to Zoho Workplace doubled in 2022, the company boasted.

Other new capabilities launched:

Zoho Voice Platform is now a full phone system integrated directly within team collaboration app Zoho Cliq and web conferencing app Zoho Meeting. Employees can make direct line calls, send SMS messages, and pick up inbound calls across apps.
New AI-based grammar tool, BluePencil, that brings writing suggestions and a text editor that can be used on any third-party webpage.
Universal Drag and Drop seeks to help users save time when working across multiple workplace products
Mobile Device Management capabilities and OTP-restricted Emails to enhance security
TrueSync added to Zoho Workdrive for unlimited storage limits. TrueSync also replicates all WorkDrive files and folders on the desktop to enable users to switch between the cloud and computer. Files can be accessed and edited locally, without using up hard drive space.

Zoho Workplace is available in three editions: Standard is C$3.75 per user per month, Professional is C$7.50 per user per month and Zoho Mail is C$1.25 per user per month.

The post Zoho launches new unified communications platform first appeared on IT World Canada.

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