While waves of layoffs continue to hit tech companies from unicorn to seed-level, the need for software developers remains constant. Continually increasing interest rates and decelerated revenue growth have caused many companies make layoffs to meet long-term sustainability goals. However, high-quality developers are still needed across the country.

For software developers and engineers looking for frontend, backend, or full-stack work, many positions can be found listed below. The full list of open positions is available at Jobs.BetaKit.


Financeit is a finance platform for the home improvement industry. The startup provides payment plans for enterprise businesses, dealer networks, big-box retailers, and more. Founded in 2011, Financeit claims to have reached $2 billion in lifetime loan originations. The startup was acquired by Wafra Capital Partners in February of last year, with the intention of supporting Financeit’s goal of $1 billion in annual loan originations.

Financeit is currently hiring a remote backend engineer to join its development team as well as an IT support specialist and a risk analyst. All of Financeit’s open positions can be found here.

Course Hero

Course Hero is a subscription-based study resource platform. The platform is a sub-organization of Learneo, which hosts other websites such as CliffsNotes, Scribbr, and Symbolab.

Course Hero is looking for a Vancouver-based front-end senior software engineer to join its team along with a staff full-stack engineer and a senior DevOps engineer. The rest of Course Hero’s jobs can be found here.


Trulioo is a global identity verification solution the startup claims to draw from over 400 data sources to verify the identities of over 5 billion people around the globe. The Vancouver-based startup was founded in 2011 and closed its most recent funding round in 2021 to bring its valuation to $2 billion.

Trulioo is recruiting a backend senior software engineer, a data analytics manager, and a salesforce solution architect. The rest of Trulioo’s jobs can be found here.

Feature image courtesy Pixabay.

The post Canadian software engineers wanted at these startups first appeared on BetaKit.

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